
Media accreditation

Please note:

  • Accreditation requests must be made online, indicating the name of the publication or agency, as well as the person making the request and their e-mail address.
  • Access data will be sent to the email address provided.
  • Incomplete requests - without filling in all the required fields and/or without accompanying documentation - will not be considered valid and will not receive a response.
  • The Accreditation Service will contact, in writing, the respective media whose requests have been accepted up to two weeks before the event.
  • This documentation will be indispensable for the accreditation to be lifted.
  • If the accredited person is unable to attend the event, they must notify the Accreditation Service ([email protected]) no later than seven days before the accreditation opens.
  • Accreditations are awarded on a personal basis and are non-transferable, as they can only be withdrawn by the respective holders.
  • No documents of any kind will be accepted to collect accreditations from third parties.
  • In order to collect their accreditations, journalists must bring all the requested documents with them, duly signed.
  • Anyone who doesn't show up with the signed documents will have to leave the Accreditation Centre, sign the documents again and wait their turn in the queue.
  • Websites and radio stations wishing to provide video coverage of the Rally must apply for accreditation via this link.
  • The same applies to all websites wishing to broadcast video footage of the event - whether direct, deferred or summarised.

Rules and Documentation for Accreditations:

  • A maximum of three representatives (journalists and/or photographers) per media organisation will be accredited. Websites are only entitled to one accreditation per journalist.
  • Each publication must have a circulation whose size and quantity fulfil the FIA criteria; they must also be available for sale to the public. Company or club publications will not be considered. Decisions on accreditation will be based on taking into account the ‘media market’ in the country where the race is being held.
  • The usual minimum circulation for a national weekly or monthly publication is 20,000 copies; for a national daily it is 50,000 copies.
  • Representatives of advertising, public relations, marketing or sponsorship agencies will not be accredited as ‘Media’.
  • Private teams with priority drivers can apply for accreditation for a ‘Media’ representative directly to the FIA WRC Media Delegate.
  • The central and local offices of the main international news agencies (AP, AFP, Reuters, ANSA, UPI, DPA, LUSA, BELGA, JIJI, KYODO, EFE, Press Association, SAPA, Australian AP, APA, etc.) must be accredited by the FIA.

Documentation to accompany each request:

  • Formal requests for accreditation must be written on the publication's letterhead, signed by the director or editor-in-chief. Requests signed by anyone else will not be accepted.
  • Completed online accreditation form.
  • The name(s) of the representative(s) who will be covering the event.
  • A photocopy of the professional journalist's licence of the representative(s) covering the race.
  • The role(s) of the representative(s).
  • Information about the publication - circulation, print run, periodicity. In the case of websites, the information to be provided should relate to views and unique visitors.
  • An original copy of the publication.
  • Photocopies or originals of material published about the Vodafone Rally de Portugal in the last two years.
  • A contact number.
  • A formal confirmation from the director that an article about this year's Vodafone Rally de Portugal will be published, with an indication of when it will be published.
  • Requests for freelancers must be accompanied by a list of collaborations published in the last 12 months, specifying the names of the publications, the issues, the dates of the articles and copies of these.
  • Notes: f), g) and j) do not apply to the main news agencies; h) does not apply to a publication believed to be published for the first time; g) does not apply to websites and radio stations. Failure to submit any of the above elements renders the application insignificant and it will not be considered.

International Press, Agencies and Websites:

  • Accreditation requests for international Press must be made directly via the website:
  • The FIA External Relations Department will notify the publication or agency in writing of the outcome of the accreditation request no later than two weeks before the event.
  • If the accredited person is unable to attend the event, they must notify the FIA External Relations Department no later than seven days before the accreditation opens.


  • All accreditation requests made by television channels must be sent directly to the WRC Promoter.
  • Websites and radio stations wishing to provide video coverage of the event must follow the procedure applied to television channels.

Accreditation of Photographers:

  • National publications or agencies requesting accreditation must prove independent coverage with a minimum of 15 photographs of the Vodafone Rally de Portugal from the last two years published (in Print Media) and signed by an accredited element. If this is your first application for accreditation, it will be submitted to the FIA WRC Media Delegate for approval. However, you must provide proof of 15 photos, on another subject, published and signed in the Written Media.
  • In the case of agencies, the photos must be supplied to the publications in accordance with FIA criteria. Publications will have to prove that the photos published are by the photographer accredited by the publication.
  • FIA limits the number of waistcoats for national photographers to 12. Priority will be given to national publications and agencies on the basis of circulation, print run and coverage of previous editions of the Vodafone Rally de Portugal.
  • For publications that are unable to accredit photographers due to these limitations, the organisation will provide a way for them to access the photos of the rally free of charge.

International Photographers:

  • International publications or agencies requesting accreditation must prove independent coverage with a minimum of 15 photographs of the Vodafone Rally de Portugal from the last two years (in Print Media) and signed by an accredited member. Accreditation must be requested from the FIA - WRC Accreditation Unit.
  • In the case of agencies, the photos must be supplied to the publications in accordance with FIA criteria. Publications will have to demonstrate that the photos published are originals by the photographer accredited by the publication.
  • National and international commercial/promotional photographers: photographers in these conditions must apply to the WRC Promoter.
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